Dídac García

Web developer

About me

Hi, my name is Dídac and I'm a web developer living in Barcelona.

I’m interested in creating beautiful projects with JavaScript (React, Vue.js, NodeJS, etc).

Previously, I worked at WorkSolutions and Ditec Comunicaciones. Moreover, I studied at Skylab Coders Academy, now called ISDI Coders. I'm currently working on a cool project at PromoFarma.

In my spare time I like improving my skills in Linux and Git or just learn about Node.js, React, GraphQL or anything else. There are so many interesting things in this world, right?

When I'm not in front of the computer, I'm probably doing some cool stuff with my Raspberry Pi or I’m out there just rock climbing!

Work History

🛠 PromoFarma (June 2020 - present)

The largest marketplace of health, beauty and personal care products in Europe. Frontend developer (Vue.js, GraphQL, Apollo, TypeScript, Nest.js, Jest and Node.js)

🛠 Ditec Comunicaciones (April 2018 - June 2020)

Innovative operating room solutions for a cutting-edge digital medical environment. Full stack JavaScript development (Node.js, Express, EJS, Socket.io, Jasmine, Nightwatch) and MySQL

🛠 Worksolutions (December 2014 - January 2018)

Web development (PHP, MySQL, Bootstrap, JavaScript). Wordpress. WebServices (SOAP). Linux servers management

🛠 Opció Racing (2013 - 2014)

Web development & webmaster tasks in Prestashop environment


📚 Professional Scrum Master I

Scrum.org, PSM I certification (2020)

The Professional Scrum Master I (PSM I) certification demonstrates a fundamental level of Scrum mastery. PSM I certificate proves that I understand Scrum as described in the Scrum Guide and how to apply it in Scrum Teams

📚 Full-Stack Web Development Bootcamp

Skylab Coders Academy (ISDI Coders) (2018)

JavaScript (ES6), Sass, Git & Git Flow, agile methodologies, TDD, MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node)

📚 Development of applications with web technologies

Certificate of professionalism IFCD0210 (2015)

Development of web systems in client and server environments. Distributed applications (SOAP, REST, XML)

📚 Websites creation and publishing

Certificate of professionalism IFCD0110 (2013)

Websites development with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery and PHP. Web development of forms and interaction with MySQL databases

📚 Microcomputer systems

Certificate of professionalism IFCT0209 (2011)

Installation, management and maintenance of operating systems. Installation and configuration of local networks